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Copyright 2004-2021 Ethos Design & Development Inc.
ethos: the distinguishing character of an organization expressed in its attitude and practice...
Reservoir &
Expensive? Bloated? Buggy? Maintenance nightmare? Hopefully these words do not enter your mind when you think of custom software solutions. Too many companies, however, have had such experiences.

Ethos has created custom software for a myriad of applications, ranging from a large, server-side enterprise level system with a database back-end (60,000+ lines of code) to small, light, and purpose-specific applications to communicate with various hardware systems. Specifically:

- application and database architecture and design
- data conversion and validation utilities
- multi-channel data acquisition
- hardware communication and control

Do you have equipment/machinery that you wish you could control with a custom interface? Do you have a database that does not have an easy interface for generating reports? Do you have data from an existing legacy system that you wish to validate and import into a newer system?

Well, we're good at this...give us a call!