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Copyright 2004-2021 Ethos Design & Development Inc.
ethos: the distinguishing character of an organization expressed in its attitude and practice...
Since 2004, from enterprise software development to mechanical design and test services, Ethos' clients span a wide range of industry.

Integrity in demeanour and excellence in work sums up our formula for repeat business. We're proud to have the opportunity to work with great organizations such as:

- Emery Jamieson LLP
- Felesky Flynn LLP
- Field Law LLP
- Granville Software Inc.
- HSBC Bank Canada
- McMurray Resources (Research & Testing) Ltd.
- Parlee McLaws LLP
- University of Alberta (Dept. of Civil Engineering)
- INFLO Solutions Inc.
- Boreal Machine Inc.
- FMC Technologies Inc.
- SageRider Incorporated
- Advanced Opto-Mechanical Systems (AOMS) Technologies Inc.
- Wiser Permanents Inc.
- New Age Oilfield Services Inc.
- Lift Plus Energy Solutions